Resuming Care During a Pandemic
What will my appointment be like as Cornea Associates of Texas resumes care during the pandemic?
Cornea Associates of Texas is beginning to resume routine care for our patients. Several changes can be expected which prioritize the health and safety of our patients, their families, and our staff. Prior to your appointment, you will be screened by telephone for COVID-19 symptoms and/or possible exposure. Upon arrival to your appointment, our staff will check you in for your appointment without requiring you to sign in. It will be mandated that a surgical facemask or cloth face covering be worn at all times, which is a requirement from the Texas Medical Board. Maintaining appropriate physical distancing, or "social distancing," will be exercised and minimized times in waiting areas can be expected. We are also prioritizing patient safety over patient volume at this time so you may notice fewer patients in the office or testing areas at one time.
Dr. Joshua Zaffos